What is Hiyaoroshi?
Hiyaoroshi is sake that matures over the summer and is shipped in autumn. It is made by pressing sake in spring, followed by a single pasteurisation process, and then maturing it over the summer before shipping. Typically, sake undergoes pasteurisation twice: once before storage and once before shipping. Generally, sake that has been pasteurised twice is said to have a more refined flavour and a smoother texture.
In contrast, sake labelled as "nama" (fresh) or "namachozo" (freshly stored) undergoes no pasteurisation or only a single pasteurisation, resulting in a fresh and vibrant taste. Hiyaoroshi is classified as "namatsume" (unpasteurised) sake, as it is pasteurised only once in spring and then shipped without further pasteurisation, allowing you to enjoy the fresh flavours of the sake.
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